Assalamualaikum semua,
Lamanya tak bersiaran.
Sekarang ni Nisa suka tulis kat FB je. Sampai terabai pula blog ni.
Semalam kan Nisa ada meeting dengan SV.
Bila dah habis discuss apa nak kena buat, Nisa bangun and say thanks for the discussion today.
Tetiba Prof bagitahu, I have good news to tell you.
Terus den duduk balik kat kerusi. Berdebar pulak rasanya. Nasib Prof dah bagitahu siap-siap ‘GOOD’ tu kalau tak mungkin belum Prof sempat cerita aku dah nangis kot.
Bila buat PhD ni uncertainties takpun constraints akan datang dari kiri, kanan, bawah, atas, depan dan belakang. Dari dalam pon boleh jadi iaitu hati yang berbolak balik.
So bila dia nak bagitahu news tu risaula jugakkan..Mahunya tak risau oiiii.
Kotla dia nak pindah ke, nak pencen awai ke...adush mohon dijauhkan...
Prof D: I have got a grant for research. It’s nearly 1 million (pound).
Me : Wow is that really? Congratulations, Prof! I am so happy for you.
Prof : This is my fourth application. It was not an easy journey, though. The 3 previous applications were rejected. By the way, it was such a miracle to get this funding. Something like 'POWER FROM ABOVE' (sambil tu tunjuk jari kat atas) give me this.
Bila dia cakap power from above tu aku dah sebak tetiba. Kalaulah Prof tahu ni semua Allah punya kuasa. Haih, tapi aku tak mampula nak cakap lebih-lebih sebab this issue is very sensitive.
Prof sambung lagi..
PROF: There were 19 applications all around the UK and only 8 proposals will be accepted. I am the 8th lucky one. The person who got the marks below me did not get it.
ME: Wow, you are so lucky! When did you know this news?
PROF: I have got an email on Monday morning, 9.15 am. The result should be released on Friday. I was waiting for the email all day in front of my notebook on Friday, but seem I haven’t got any. I told A (his wife), my proposal was rejected again. I was so depressed on weekend. But then, at last, happy ending on Monday morning.
ME : Oh Prof, I am so proud of you. I am always praying for you. ( Eh tetiba aku fikir balik apa aku cakap ni? Macam terbalik pulak selalu cikgu cakap kat student gitu. Tapi memang betul aku selalu doa untuk Prof yang baik-baik terutamanya pasal hidayah la kan).
PROF : Thank you very much, Nisa! (He thanked me with the blinked eyes because I pray for him).
Me terharu sangat, my SV happy, of course, me as a supervisee is more than happy.
Lama SV menunggu untuk dpaat grant hebat ni. Sebab nak dapatkan grant ni sangat ramai pesaing seluruh UK. Researcher di UK ni pun bukan nya sedikit yang hebat-hebat. Ramai sangat. He is so grateful kali ni. Siap mention 'kuasa' di atas sana. (Moga Allah kurniakan hidayah, Amin)
Sedikit pengajaran yang saya ambil di sini. Even he is Professor dengan pengalaman yang berpuluh tahun still tak give up walau sedikit pun untuk terus majukan diri. Aku ni baru sikit cabaran dah nak give up. Sikit-sikit rasa dah tak boleh buat and putus asa. Lagilah kita ni Muslim, lagila fardhu kifayah kot kene menuntut ilmu Allah ni..
Lama SV menunggu untuk dpaat grant hebat ni. Sebab nak dapatkan grant ni sangat ramai pesaing seluruh UK. Researcher di UK ni pun bukan nya sedikit yang hebat-hebat. Ramai sangat. He is so grateful kali ni. Siap mention 'kuasa' di atas sana. (Moga Allah kurniakan hidayah, Amin)
Sedikit pengajaran yang saya ambil di sini. Even he is Professor dengan pengalaman yang berpuluh tahun still tak give up walau sedikit pun untuk terus majukan diri. Aku ni baru sikit cabaran dah nak give up. Sikit-sikit rasa dah tak boleh buat and putus asa. Lagilah kita ni Muslim, lagila fardhu kifayah kot kene menuntut ilmu Allah ni..
He is like my father here. Very supportive supervisor, great teacher, a great advisor, great yet humble mentor, very understanding, very considerate, always give positive vibes to me.
Terima kasih Allah kerana hadiahkan aku seorag cikgu yang hebat. Not only in academia world tapi sangat hebat juga akhlaknya.
Aku tahu aku bukanlah seorang student yang boleh dibanggakan, tapi Prof never make me down EVEN ONCE. He always support me no matter what happens.
I will always pray for you, Prof......
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One of these academic staffs is my supervisor. Who is he? Biarlah rahsia dulu.hehe.. |