Thursday, February 11, 2016

Lake District during autumn 2015

Autumn scenery is magnificent!

Some people love autumn very much. Why?

Because the colours during the autumn are vibrant.

The trees in full autumn colours are glorious.

From green leaves transmuted into yellowish, golden, reddish leaves.

Sooooo beautiful indeed! MasyaAllah.

Last year, around end of October school holiday, we went to Lake District, which is about one and half hour to the north of Manchester. 

Actually, I already have planned to go to Knaresborough then visit my friend in Newcastle, then go to the Lake District. 

However, because of some reasons we only managed to visit Lake District. Anyway, it was just a short weekend gateaway.

From Manchester we straight away headed to Bowness in Windermere. It is one of the popular tourist place at the Lake District. There are another few places that we can visit in Lake District for instances Lakeside, Ullswater, Ambleside and etc.

We had a boat ride to Lakeside from Bowness. Such a good experience to view the autumn scenery along the lake, though it was too cold. Grrrrr!

I bought the yellow ticket which costs GBP 19 per person. Children under 5 is free.

The boat headed to the Lakeside pier and then, from the Lakeside pier we rode on 'old school' train which was a steam train. Feeling-feeling zaman dodulu. It was return journey.


There was so breezy and windy outside. We couldn't bear on it. So lets go inside the boat.

There is a small canteen inside

Very 'old skool train'

She said what a Halloween train, mummy!!

Around Bowness on Windermere

Once the boat journey ended, it started raining heavily. Thanks God we managed to finish it on time.
Nothing we could do when it was raining so we decided to check in the hotel..We checked in the famous hotel in the UK for 'rakyat marhein' like us which is 'Travelodge Hotel'..Hehe

Checked in Travelodge Carlisle 1 hour journey from Bowness.

Why I chose Carlisle (Pronounce : Kalai) ? This is because my initial plan  on that day to go to Knaresborough and Newcastle. Then from Newcastle to Lake District. That is why I chose Carlisle instead of staying at the Lake District. Anyhow, it was worth every penny though.


Look! Subhanallah it was amazing. We managed to get the best scenery in Ullswater.

The lens of the camera can't describe how beautiful it was. The best is seeing it with your 'own lens', a gift from Allah.
Our activities here : Threw the stones and screamed loudly 

Ullswater is a part of Lake District

This place called Patterdale. It is in between Bowness on Windermere and Ullswater.

Mountain + traditional UK phone booth + bench. Amazing isn't it? Say no to the dustbin please. 

Please put away the dustbin. Not nice.

Kirkstone Pass. Beautiful indeed. Just managed to capture the scenery from inside the car.

Bye - bye Lake District.

The nature journey is the best way to relax your mind. I love this place so much!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Summer time = Musim buah

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Ehem! lama sungguh tak bersiaran di blog ni. Macam biasala tiada idea sangat nak menulis. Kalau adanya post baru tu (contoh macam ni) sebab aku paksa diri ni tulis Nisa!tulis!tulis!
(Actually post ni dah tulis lama dah, baru ada kesempatan nak post niha)

Sekarang ni musim winter.

Musim yang sangat-sangat gelap dan sejuk macam duduk dalam peti ais.

Kehidupan akan murung, tak ceria, tidak aktif dan macam macam lagila.

Matahari nak menampakkan sinar cahaya pun susah.

Kelam dan mendung.

Tambahan kalau di Manchester ni terkenal dengan hujannya.

Bertambah-tambah lara la hati ni.

Pukul 3 petang dah senja.

Erm macam itulah kitaran hidup.

Ada gelap dan cerahnya kan.

Apa-apa pun ni semua ciptaan terindah Allah Yang Maha Esa.

Bila masa malam yang panjang ni banyak ibadah sunat dapat dilakukan pada waktu malam.

Waktu siang yang pendek juga bolehla ambil peluang untuk puasa sunat dan puasa ganti.

Sebab pukul 4ptg dah berbuka..Hikkksss..


Ok tu mukaddimah je tu dulu..hehe..

Sebenarnya nak cerita pasal musim summer tempoh hari.

Musim summer sangat dinanti-nantikan oleh orang bangsa Eropah.

Sebab apa?

Sebab...... sunny day = ceria and happy dan panas.

Musim panas ni pokok pokok berbuah dengan lebatnya.

Kan dah cerita di post yang lepas.

Belakang rumah aku ada pokok buah-buahan.

MasyaAllah lebat sungguh pokok-pokok tu berbuah.

Kadang-kadang macam rasa mimpi belakang rumah ada pokok epal, pokok plum, pokok pear.

Sebabnya tidak pernah dan tidak akan merasainya bila di Malaysia.

Maka nikmat Tuhamnu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan? [Ar-Rahman]

Cuba teka buah apa? 

Ni buah plum

Lebat sangat buah plum ni. Sampai patah dahan sebab tak mampu nak tampung berat buah

Green apples

Apple masam ..grrrr..Bila dah merah pun still masam tapi sangat crunchy.

Sebelah kiri gambar ni buah pear yang sangat manis.. Belakang Aufa tu buah apple.

Buah - buahan ni sangat banyak. Sampai tak cukup masa nak petik n nak sorting..Banyak jatuh ke bumi je.. Rasa nak nangis sangat tengok rezeki Allah ni jatuh macam tu je..

Ada juga sedekah kat kawan kawan.. Tapi macam buah plum tu kene sorting betul betul sebab burung bnyk makan..Alhamdulillah rezeki sama-sama kongsi sesama makhluk..

InsyaAllah mungkin dapat melalui sekali lagi summer sebelum kami balik Malaysia for good..InsyaAllah kali ni janji nak jaga pokok ni elok - elok and bagi kat ramai lagi kawan kawan..

Buah pear memang limited sikit sebab pokoknya kecil je..Buah pun tak banyak..

Monday, February 8, 2016

Kisah roket

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Dah lama menyepi tetiba keluar post kisah roket pulak pagi-pagi ini.

Hari ini ada berlaku kisah sayu sikit dengan Aufa dekat sekolah.

Sedihnya tengok bila dia sedih sangat.

Semalam check homework dia...adalah satu homework ni suruh bawa ke sekolah apa apa barang dekat rumah yang ada bentuk cuboid ke, cube ke, cylinder ke, cone ke..sebab diorang belajar pasal 3D shapes.

Saya pun bagi Aufa bekas tepung kastard sebab bentuknya cylinder.

Dia sukala dapat bawa something dari rumah ke sekolah nak tunjuk kat cikgu.

Sekali tengok masa sampai sekolah pagi tadi, ramai kawan kawan ni bawa DIY roket.

Cantik cantik tu..

Muka dia dah berubah dah.. Mak dia pun cuak jugaklah.

Aiseyyyyyy macam mana mak tak tahu ni.. Aku salah baca ke homework dia ni..Ada ke suruh buat roket..Mak pun gelabah jugakla..

Aufa dah start nak nangis dah dia cakap I want a rocket. I want a rocket..

Pastu terus bagitahu Mrs Ellison boleh tak bawa esok roket tu.

Dia terus cakap.

''Aufa don't worry, you can bring it tomorrow or all this week.''

''Kayshean will bring it tomorrow, Zara will bring it tomorrow as well. Don't cry''

Pastu dia ambil tisu bagi Aufa lap air mata.

Alahai nasib baik lah boleh bawa sepanjang minggu ni..Budak-budak ni pun kalau nampak kawan kawan bawa dan dan tu juga nak..

Oklah pengajarannya, mak kene sentiasa kena alert aktiviti anak-anak..Kadang-kadang cikgu tak bagitahu verbally so kene alert pada weekly newsletter tu..

Aktiviti diorang banyak sangat kat sekolah ni. Ada ketika tak dapat nak catch up semua..

So balik ni mak ada aktiviti sikit nak buat roket kebabommmm dengan mek Aufa tu..

Ingat nak design macam ni..Tantekk kan? Lap peluh dulu..Pfttt

Roket Aufa dah siappp..Haha tak sama langsung dengan design yang atas..Ni papa dia punya design!